Neri Makina



Neri Makina











Company Profıle

Precision, quality, reliability and technical leadership are the thre significant characteristics reflected in the high quality product range.

Daha fazlasını görmek için tıklayın

Paslanmaz Yıkama Fikstürleri

Dış Ölçüler: 800x600mm

RFID okuyuculu

Otomatik hatlarda kullanım için hassas pozisyonlama

içine ½ or ¼ ebatlaında tel sepet yerleştirilebilinir.

Çıkarılabilir parça sabitleme insertleri

Malzeme: Paslanmaz çelik

Yüzey : Elektropolisaj

İstifleme +/- 1mm


Tekerlekli altkıklar

Otomatik hatlarda kullanıma uygun Yıkama Fikstürü robotla alınabilir ve yerleştirilebilinir.

Yıkama fikstürlerinin merkezlemesi için konik sap ve merkezleme pimleri ile donatılmış

Rulmanlı İki döner ve frenli, iki sabit dökme polüeretanlı teker

Malzeme: Paslanmaz çelik

Yüzey : Elektropolisaj

Neri-Mak designs and manufactures Stainless Steel Wire Baskets, and Custom Wire Baskets for customers in many different industries around the world.


The technical developments regarding to increasing automation and flexibility, as well as increasing demands on residual dirt specifications and the surface properties of workpieces have contributed to the fact that safe parts handling is becoming increasingly important. We offer tailor-made workpiece carrier systems with which the workpieces can be washed, transported, stacked and stored

Transport carts in various designs and types ensure the transport of nearly everykind of product and object.


The way to a lean company succeeds only through integration of Lean Manufacturing. With years of experience in Toyota Production Systems and Bosch Production System, we design and optimize processes along the entire value-added chain and produce high quality products that contribute to the sustainable improvement of production, processes and procedures.

Ülkeye İhracat
Yıkama Sepeti
Taşıma Arabası


Load carrier for ELECTROMOBILITY Special  transport racks for ELECTROMOBILITY

Load carrier for ELECTROMOBILITY Special transport racks for ELECTROMOBILITY

Special carriers and racks for battery and battery components;

Visit to the Our Company from GÖRSİAD!

Visit to the Our Company from GÖRSİAD!

Visit to the Our Company from GörSİAD!;

Neri Makina Production Catalogue - 2022 Released!

Neri Makina Production Catalogue - 2022 Released!

Makina Production Catalogue - 2022 Released!;

Global Industrie 2022 - Exhibitor - NERİ Wire Baskets

Global Industrie 2022 - Exhibitor - NERİ Wire Baskets

Global Industrie 2022 - Exhibitor - NERİ Wire Baskets From 17th to 20th of May 2022 l Paris Nord - Villepinte;